Privacy Policy
Zayani Motors recognizes the importance of personal information managed and used in its business activities, and will deal with it properly by establishing the policy on the protection of personal information.
Zayani Motors will acquire personal information in an appropriate manner. Furthermore, Zayani Motors will notify and announce the purpose for using personal information unless otherwise specified by laws, and will use it within the scope of such purpose.
Zayani Motors will not provide personal information to any third party without obtaining a prior written consent unless otherwise provided for in the laws and regulations.
Zayani Motors will endeavor to keep such personal information accurate and up-to-date.
Zayani Motors will establish rules and management systems for proper handling and protection of personal information and will furnish its employees and contractors with necessary guidance and supervision.
Zayani Motors will take necessary and appropriate measures to maintain the security of personal information in order to prevent unauthorized access, leakage, falsification or loss of such personal information.
Zayani Motors will check the handling of the personal information regularly and always make every effort for continuous improvement.
Zayani Motors will establish procedures for disclosure, correction and so forth. Zayani Motors will accept your inquiry and complaint about handling of personal information and endeavor to realize smooth processing.
Zayani Motors will comply with The Kingdom of Bahrain laws, ordinances, other applicable regulations. Zayani Motors W.L.L.
Handling of Personal Information Zayani Motors will acquire personal information through its business activities from customers and party involved (collectively "Customers") The handling method of personal information of Customers by Zayani Motors, is as follows:
Acquisition of Personal Information Zayani Motors will acquire personal information directly from Customers. In addition, Zayani Motors will acquire personal information based on the utilization purpose of personal information which is informed of or announced to Customers by our dealers or affiliated companies, or consent of Customers, laws and ordinances or administrative instructions or advice and so forth. Zayani Motors will acquire personal information in a legitimate and clean manner. Meantime, please note that our conversation with Customers in responding to Customer's offers and inquiries will be recorded in order to keep our services at high level and that calling number display will be used in order for Zayani Motors to contact Customers when necessary.
Utilization Purpose of Personal Information Zayani Motors will not use Customer's personal information for any purpose other than the following business purposes: To promote our products and services; To provide estimate of a brand-new car or secondhand car; To guide various applications and admission and to implement contractual procedures; To guide and implement procedures covering purchase of our products and after-sales services; To respond to Customer's application and inquiries and notification of our replies; To contact Customers in connection with campaigns or to send Customers products and so forth; To conduct Customer Satisfaction Survey; To create statistical information for product development and service improvement of Zayani Motors, our dealers and affiliated companies; To identify our shareholders, to allow our shareholders to perform their rights and to perform obligations to its shareholders; To provide the following items of personal information in writing or electronic media, or by telephone or oral to our dealers and affiliated companies. However, Zayani Motors will suspend provision of the personal information upon each Customer's request. (Items) Names, birth dates, contact information such as addresses and telephone numbers or information on Customers' application, inquiries or transaction. To respond in accordance with laws and ordinances, administrative guidance or instruction and so forth; To use personal information for the purpose clearly specified to Customer when Zayani Motors acquires it or for the purpose to which Customer consents after our acquisition of the personal information.
Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties Zayani Motors will not provide the personal information of any Customer to any third party except the following cases 1 through 3. When Zayani Motors provides personal information to a third party in any of the following cases, Zayani Motors will take necessary measures in accordance with applicable laws and ordinances.
In case Zayani Motors obtains Customers' approval; In case of the above Section 2-10 and 2-11.
In case Zayani Motors delegates the work of handling personal information such as information processing, printing, dispatching, transportation, storage, various guidance, paper work and other operations to a relevant consignee. In this case, however, we ask the delegate to handle personal information adequately and supervise it properly.
The Use of Cookies on the Mitsubishi Motors Website We use Cookies and web beacon technology for the purpose of enhancing user-friendliness and of improving website quality and performance. Cookies allow us to recognize that you are a user of this Website and, to make our information service more convenient for you. However, Cookies do not record name, address, telephone number or other information that might identify you. From time to time, we may provide or disclose Cookie information to the outside providers commissioned with the management of this Website and other tasks related to the distribution of online advertising to the extent necessary for them to carry out such tasks. With such providers we have entered into confidentiality agreements. Further, the said outside providers may, from time to time, use Cookie information to distribute our online ads. You may change your browser settings to disable the Cookie function. Should you choose to do so, however, please understand that our website service may not operate correctly in your browser.
Contact for Personal Information If Customer requests to confirm or correct his or her own personal information by a designated form, we will disclose such personal information then kept by us to Customer. Please call our Contact Point below for information on how to get our designated form such as a written request for disclosure of personal information.
Customer Relation Department: +97317703703
6. Contact Point Zayani Motors Customer Response Center
Toll-free phone number +9731703703
Available from Saturday to Thursday from 8:00am to 7:00pm
Firday: Closed
Contact us *Please be noted that "Privacy Policy" and "Handling of Personal Information" will be modified or amended from time to time in accordance with changes of laws and regulations or other rules, or alterations of services relative to our business operations in order to protect personal information. If there is any modification or amendment in "Privacy Policy" or "Handling of Personal Information", we will announce it on our website.
Contact Zayani Motors W.L.L.
Phone number: +97317703703
E-mail: info@zmotors.com
Last updated on: 4th July, 2022